Saturday, June 22, 2019

Reminder for June 23rd Singing in West Fork

Hello Sacred Harp Friends,

Reminder: It's officially summertime!  Tomorrow we will have our regular 4th Sunday singing in West Fork, Arkansas.  Located about 40 minutes south of Springdale, West Fork sports a growing library with a (likely historic) community building which we have been able to rent once a month for a 4th Sunday singing.  They ask that we bring a couple of dollars each to help keep the doors open, so please bring a small donation if you can.  It's a nice little town and the building has a good ring to it, so if you haven't had a chance to join us there, here's an opportunity. As always, visitors and newbies warmly welcome!

Upcoming Singings: It will be a few weeks until our next singing in Springdale which will be on July 14th (another great reason to come to West Fork!). If you can't get to Mountain View and the Folk Center Shape Note Gathering, drop in after Sunday lunch at the Shiloh Meeting Hall from 1:30 until 4:00 P.M.

UPDATED:  The information about the Shape note Singing Gathering on Thursday through July 11-13, 2019, has been posted on the Ozark Folk Center State Park website. All the basic details are there. The short version of the program:
  • Thursday Eve- 6 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. - Introduction to Shape note Singing concert/discussion in the White Oak Theater (located in the Administration Building)
  • Friday Singing and Teaching Seminar - Dan Brittain and Gaylon Powell will lead singing and teaching sessions on the stage of the main auditorium at the Ozark Folk Center. The morning session will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and the afternoon session from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. Participants in the singing will be featured as part of the nightly performance at the Ozark Folk Center’s nightly concert.
  • Saturday Singing - A traditional singing, using both four-shape and seven-shape books will be held in the old Mountain View High School auditorium on School Avenue, one block south of East Main (the turn is between Best Drug Store and Conoco) in Mountain View. The morning session will run from 9 a.m. until noon and the afternoon session from 1:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. 
Those attending the shape note sessions only can enter free of charge at the front entrance of the auditorium. Crafts ground visitors may come and go to the shape note session via the rear entrance of the auditorium.

LATE UPDATE 7/10/19: Upon arrival, a sign at the bottom of the hill leading up to the big auditorium says "road closed."  IGNORE IT.  Tell everybody you can who is coming to the Gathering.  Thanks. - Charley Sandage

As usual, Google has a list of available motels in the area and maps.  Click this link to download a map and schedule.

In House News: Lastly, Darryl's computer has been having some difficulties, and the most updated list of e-mails may have been lost.  If you didn't receive the newsletter in your e-mail inbox this week, please let Darryl know (his e-mail address is listed on the website as newsletter editor) and he'll put you back on the list.

Happy Summer, everyone! Hope to sing with you soon!


P.S. The Sacred Harp Publishing Company has an update about the upcoming revision! Click here to view the flyer!
B.R. NOTE: Well, now if I can relearn how to send out mass emails without hitting the wrong button again... oops!