The singers also made a joyful noise at the August 11th singing. We had 19 singers and visitors who sang or listened during the August session. You'll also notice in the photo that the boxes used to store our loaner books were just about empty. We opened the doors, turned up the fans, (electric and hand-powered) and really had a good time singing. I hope you can join us and bring a friend or two this Sunday.
One more thing... We'll also had the usual optional gatherings: Those who enjoy chicken on Sunday are invited to join us at AQ's Chicken House in Springdale "around noon." Ask the staff at the cashier's desk for the singers and they'll point you in the right direction. The singers who prefer their Sunday dessert after the singing are also invited to join us at the Denny's in Springdale for pie and coffee or ice cream to soothe the throat after a full afternoon of old fashioned singing. Both are opportunities to enjoy the fellowship of other singers, share ideas and catch up on what other singers have been doing. We all enjoy the singing but it's the singers that make our Sunday afternoon singings so very special. All singers and visitors are always invited and we hope your Sunday schedule will allow you to attend one or all of the events
Hope to see you at our next 2nd Sunday singing.