Monday, June 17, 2019

June is another busy month...

Updated: 06-17-19  Thanks to Darryl Criss for his solo effort getting out the email newsletter before the regular 2nd Sunday Singing in the Shiloh Meeting Hall. Sometimes life just gets in the way of doing the things we want to do. But in the meantime, we'll reprint his June message for the archive and add a few reports from other events:
Old Washington United Methodist Church
Hello All! 
I hope this email finds you all well. I haven't heard of any of our friends or members who were affected by the storms and flooding of the last few weeks , but our prayers go out to you if you were.
Along with this crazy weather. this year has gone along a seemingly break neck pace and we already find ourselves in June. The second Sunday is upon us and our regular monthly singing we be held at the Meeting Hall of the Shiloh Museum from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. The hall located one block north of the Shiloh Museum's barn.
Cory Winters leads a new composition.
Both old and new singers are welcome to join the "singers table" at AQ Chicken at noon on the 2nd Sunday Singing in Springdale.
Also, don't forget the 4th Sunday Singing at the West Fork Library  Meeting Hall from 1:30 to 3:30.
The only calendar item I have, at this time, is the Annual Shape Note Singing School and Gathering with an All Day Singing on Saturday, Ozark Folk Center in Mountain View, AR  July 11th - 13th.
Finally, a few weeks ago, Dan, Corey and myself attended the All-Day Singing in Washington, AR.  It was a great time with wonderful singing, fellowship and food. I have shared a few pictures below.  
Hope everyone has a good Saturday and hope to see you on Sunday. 
God bless
If you'd like to get on the Shiloh Singers mailing list, Darryl's email address is listed in the sidebar on the right side of this webpage. Just send him a note as ask him to add you to the list.

The second week in June was also the week for the FASOLA Summer camp for adults held in Alabama each year.  Dan Brittain, (on right) director, composer and our local version of "The Music Man" and Syd Caldwell, our designated good-will singing ambassador to the rest of the world was also at the camp. Both of them paused just long enough to take a picture with their FASOLA T-shirts, but they both look like they were having a good time. Syd reported that he and Dan enjoyed all the singing and seeing so many friends from other groups who attended.

I'll try to follow-up with more of the latest info on the annual Shape Note Gathering and Singing School at the Ozark Folk Center in Mountain View in a few days. 

And finally, please don't forget the 4th Sunday Singing which provides more practice for new singers to become better singers and informal singing school for any new singers who just want to learn more about singing the songs that our ancestors knew and likely sang on their way west. We appreciate the West Fork Library and dedicated singers who helped and want to make it a success. 

Thanks to Darryl and Syd for the pictures. Sing on....