I wish I didn't have to write this update, but phone calls, emails and three different weather services pointed to continued cold weather and freezing rain or drizzle on Sunday. Saturday's weather should improve in the NWA region but another smaller weather front is expected to follow Saturday evening or Sunday. The second front is not expected to be as severe as the past few days and weather conditions may improve on Saturday with highs in the mid-twenties followed by night time temperatures in the mid-teens. But Sunday high temperatures in Springdale are only expected to reach 29 degrees.
The Friday afternoon check of the Weather Channel's Interstate Forecast for Sunday also suggested "Poor" (orange) driving conditions for Joplin and "Poor" for I-40 at Fort Smith and "Caution" (red) for I-40 east of Russellville. While I-540 is not specifically shown on the Interstate Forecast map, common sense suggests possible "Poor" conditions in the mountains between I-40 and I-44 in Missouri, particularly if freezing drizzle is added to the equation. The roads may be salted and plowed but there are some long bridges and steep hills in the shade on 540 and the connector to Joplin. Some two lane roads may also be less than ideal.
So after emails and phone discussion, the consensus was to lean toward the side of being safe rather than sorry. Thus the Sunday December 8th singing has been canceled. Like many of you, I wish the weather was better and hate to miss a Sunday singing. At least we can look forward to wishing each other a Happy New Year in person at the January Sunday singing on January 12, 2014. Stay safe and warm this weekend.