However... Like many of you, I've also been digesting local and regional weather reports instead of chocolate cookies for the past several days and have already consulted the group's leadership before I sent out the December newsletter and updated the website. In summary, the consensus is to send out the usual reminder BUT with a concern that if the NWA weather forecast and travel conditions continue to look poor for Sunday, 12/8, we'll send out another e-bulletin on Saturday and cancel the Sunday singing if necessary. As Bill Caldwell responded, "We don't want anyone to make a risky trip."
One of the things I've learned about weather over the years is that short range forecasts are usually a more accurate than long range forecasts, but in spite of radar and computer models, weather is still unpredictable. So again, the game plan is that several long distance singers have already been asked to look at their local Sunday forecasts on Saturday morning and phone or email their best guess of what Sunday travel will look like from their area. Other member input always welcome. If the weather observers think slick roads and limited visibility will prevail, I'll send out a 2nd notice to sing or cancel via email and then post a similar notice on the web. We can always celebrate a happier New Year if all of our singers can be present on January 12th.
In other news... Syd Caldwell received sad news that Rene Greene's mother, Mrs. Shelbie Sheppard, passed away this past week in Alabama. Many of the Shiloh Singers will remember that Rene conducted the Singing School on Friday evening before the October NWA Sacred Harp Singing Convention. Syd is sending flowers on behalf of our group.
The Shiloh Singers had so many new singers at the October Singing Convention and at the November singing that we've ordered another box of The Sacred Harp song books. Given the usual Christmas mail rush, we should have them in time for our January singing.
One more thing... Just in case that one or two of us lose electrical power or our new-fangled computer connection, warmly wishing everyone all the best for a
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Keep an eye on the weather and be careful out there!